Friday, January 17, 2020

She puts together my thoughts...beautifully

Came across a blog today called  Lemon Thistle and what she wrote really resonated with me.
It was like she was almost in my head. Check out her blog! its a good read!

 "I have had many people ask my why I would want to spend my time blogging and I have a few reasons. First, I want to be challenged to create, adventure, and notice the little joys in life- then document it. It’s so easy to let life speed by without taking the time to appreciate what we have- even if we do it’s easy to keep that to ourselves without expressing it.
Second, I love to create beautiful things. Whether that be images, parties, food, or décor- I get excited to dream up a new party theme, test out a sewing pattern, or photograph a precious newborn. I hope to find people/you who share these passions and be encouraged by your work as well.
Third, I’m heading into a new stage of life (babies!) and my dream would be to stay home with our children and eventually start a home business. Since I have so many interests and am decent adequate at most, I’m excited to explore them to find what I’m really passionate about… and what I’m not so good at! This is especially important to me since my first business venture while attending university made me jaded to owning my own business again (but that’s another story)".

Saturday, January 11, 2020

This is how much I love you.

Came across a blog today and reading her very first post i thought to myself  "I'm going to enjoy reading this blog" I love finding blogs that captivate you from first post!

I really resonate how she describes the love for your children

"There are some things my husband could do that would make me stop loving him — and I really, really love him. But there is nothing my son could do to make me stop loving him. And that knowledge is the gift I want to give him above all else in this life"

To my babies, this is how much I love you. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Expectations

I am a perfectionist. But far from being perfect. And its stressful. I need to lower my expectations of myself. I'm not superwoman. Not even close.

This year I will be more gentle on myself.

That is a reasonable expectation.